the artist in you

a mentorship series by haley busch

mentor sessions have been put on pause until further notice - as of june 2022

“do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?” - elizabeth gilbert

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i know that you do. that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

let me be the bridge that helps carry you from self doubt to self expression - let me help pull you through. 

this is an invitation. an invitation to step into your artistry, your creativity, your gifts.

this is permission. permission to invest in yourself, what lights you up, what speaks to your soul.

this is a conversation. a conversation based around acknowledging our fear, establishing a vision that is clear, and discussing how we’re going to get from point a to point b.  

we must create the space for ourselves to create the art.

it can be scary to take that first step because right now, your mind is only capable of measuring what you might loose. you can’t see what you’ll gain. 

how we think about ourselves and who we are to our core… greatly impacts what we create, produce and share with the world.

cultivating a conversation around harnessing our creativity, learning how to dance with this powerful entity, and answering any questions along the way - that’s what i am here for.

and whether you’re just getting started, or you’re on the hunt for the perfect film camera… whether you’re overwhelmed with the beginning stages of building your photography business or you’re purely here for a portfolio review - i got you.

so. what does a mentor session entail exactly…?

well, it can be anything you’d like it to be.

here. let me break it down.

*all sessions will take place via zoom for 60 mins

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where do we begin…


the beginning.

going in.

(re)connecting to the creative child within us. 

what lights us up / what sets our soul on fire / what gets us excited? let’s make some creative mantras. let’s discuss incorporating more play into our lives. how can we connect to the young one inside of us (again)?

how do we remind ourselves that we already hold all that we need, inside of us, now?


stepping in to your he(art.)

making the leap from hobbyist to professional.

rates. contracts. deposits. client experience + work flow. from the moment you receive that email inquiry - to the moment you send the final client gallery.

let’s break down the entire process so you can feel comfortable and confident in your process.

all things analog.

let’s talk film.

film stocks, understanding light, understanding manual mode + metering, light leaks, double exposures, etc.

yeah. all the fun stuff.


finding - and using - your unique voice.

branding + putting out and attracting the work that is meant for you.

portfolio review. let’s talk about your gifts. let’s discuss goals / timelines - let’s set some intentions and get real clear on the message you’re trying to share with your clients, and then build off that.

let’s break down social media presence and the importance of keeping it real.

let’s get technical.


let’s talk about shooting on manual (canon literate) let’s talk about shooting for the look you’re going for - how to think ahead and plan for your edits. let’s talk about hard drives, back ups, what lens is right for you, lightroom basics, and more.

(no photoshop + nikon / sony + video questions at this time - sorry!)


in the moment.

it’s time to create!

posing, holding space and having an epic shoot with your clients. 

photography is an energy exchange. you gotta be grounded, so your client feels grounded. 

let’s talk about staying centered so you can stay creative.

light & feeling.

tangible magic.

capturing how it felt.

getting creative with your surroundings.

not sure what i’m talking about? guess you’ll have to find out ;)


creativity = spirituality.

staying inspired.

doing the work reflects in our (art) work.

let’s talk about boundaries within our work - how to prevent burn out and take care of our vessel.

when we nourish our creativity, our creativity nourishes us.

let’s discuss the routines and rituals that will help us stay in alignment with our he(art) for years to come.

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so. what are you feeling?

no more living a safe life - one where all your stories are consistently affirmed by your actions.

feeling stagnant, uninspired, stuck…

it’s time to step out of our old stories and step into our he(art).

if there is a will there is a way and what better day to start than today. 

it’s time to get out of our own way.

you have so much to give to this world and i’m here to help process, talk through, and remind you that everything you need is already inside of you.

let’s question and confront your fears and discomforts - it’s the key to growth and expansion after all. 

we must give ourselves permission to fully be ourselves.

we must fully indulge in our creative gifts -

we must fully step into the person we were put on this earth to be. 

i want to guide you, i want to help you, i want to steer you in the right direction - towards your light.

i can’t teach creativity because it’s not something you teach - it’s something you step into, something you cultivate, something you water and watch grow.

creativity is a way of life, a way of being - being in every moment, being in every experience.

and guess what?

i’m here to help you step into that.

i’m here to help you find your voice, and then learn how to use it. 

there is no right or wrong way to do things, because each one of us is so unique and each one of us is on our own journey.

i am here to simply talk through, process, provide support and insight and inspiration and conversation and information and knowledge and light around the vulnerability of being an artist in this day n age. 




first i just want to start off by saying, THAANNK YOUUUU <3 this mentorship was more than i could have ever expected it to be. hit the nail on the head with everything i wanted to go over and i felt so wholesome after my session with Haley. she makes you feel so comforted no matter what stage you are at in your artistic endeavor. she really lets the artist flow out of yourself and really gets into the nitty gritty of what you want to produce and how to lead your artistic direction. from broad themes of figuring out your artistic footing or what artistic direction you want to go to very detailed themes that have to do with the mechanics of film/photography and amazing magical features we can incorporate into our work. but most importantly haley leaves you with so much confidence and belief in yourself that you just want to hit the ground running and connect yourself to your work as much as possible. thank you haley for all of the love and all the work you do! you've created such a special avenue for photographers to really connect themselves to their work on the most spiritual level. thank you <3

- kelsey blankenship

my mentor session with haley was more than i could have ever asked for. i could tell immediately by haley's initial outreach that this session was well worth the investment. her attention to detail throughout the entire process was incredible. haley made sure that we had enough time to cover everything in our session and i left our time together not only feeling inspired, but like i had developed a new relationship and member of my creative support team. thank you so much haley! this was more than what i imagined!

- grace lucarelli

haley...!!! wow, where to even begin? this was such a a pleasurable experience for me! i was extremely nervous at first, but i left the zoom meeting with a huge smile on my face and excitement for all the things we spoke about! beginning with your questionnaire, you really went in depth with such profound questions to ask myself. i really appreciated that aspect of the experience because it made me dive deeper into what my creative aspirations, goals and what my overall purpose is. during the actual meeting, you thoroughly covered all of the topics and questions from the questionnaire but most importantly you helped me to set attainable goals into my future and you inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and just go for it. i’m sure that anyone who participates in your mentorship series will agree that they left the meeting feeling more positive and inspired in their endeavors. thank you again for your time, effort and determination to be a guiding light to people!

- vanessa garcia


review! write a review!


“leap, and the net will appear.”

- julia cameron